Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Facts About The Current So-Called Border Crisis

I don’t wish to beat around the bush on this.  There are flat out lies spreading around mostly as a result of a corrupt media.  So let’s get a few things straight, first, about the current crisis of family separations at the border.

First, although some media outlets are falsely reporting that there some 12,000 children who have been separated from their parents into these facilities where they are being held, this is not true.  Of those 12K, ten thousand of them are unaccompanied minors.  There are approximately 2,000 who are being held who came here with someone that, at present, is assumed to be their parent.
Second, although some media outlets are falsely reporting that these children came across the border seeking asylum, the only thing we know for sure is they crossed illegally.  Which means they did not cross at one of the 25 authorized ports of entry at the southern border.  This, alone, is completely illegal, no matter what they came across the border seeking.  Even an American citizen crossing the border at any place other than the 25 authorized ports of entry is committing a crime and subject to arrest.

Third, these two thousand children were separated from their supposed parents because those parents were arrested.  It is fairly common practice in every country in the world that when you arrest someone, you don’t allow their children to stay with them.

Fourth, these children are being detained because they crossed the border illegally…as party to their supposed parents’ illegal act.  According to our own laws, they are held for a certain period whereby it is determined what country they came from.  By our laws, if they came from Mexico, we will deport them back to Mexico.  If they came from any non-contiguous country, like Honduras, we cannot send them back.  We are required to find them a place to stay here in the US.  Stupid law…though I’d have to say in the case of the 10K unaccompanied minors, if its really true that their parents sent them on this journey unaccompanied, I sure wouldn’t want to see them sent back to those parents.

Fifth, by pure logic, there are only five options to resolve this situation: a) separate these kids from their parents while their parents are being processed for their crime; b) keep them with their parents either in the same facility as all the other kids being held or in the holding facility for all the illegal alien adults; c) create a third holding facility just for these kids and their parents while the parents’ arrests are being processed (what Trump just ordered by EO); d) don’t stop any one crossing the border at all…leave the border completely open and let anyone cross (this is what the open border radical liberals like Pelosi and Schumer want); or e) to make it honestly fair, make it illegal for any law enforcement agency to arrest anyone, citizen or not, if it would result in that person’s children being potentially traumatized by being separated from their parents.

At first, the radical left were up in arms over these separations because they said its just not right to separate children from their parents…it’s akin to child abuse.  No matter how much rational people tried to counter the absurd argument that children just shouldn’t be separated from their parents when the parents commit a crime, the radical left just weren’t going to let this one go.

As soon as Trump signed his EO creating a means by which these arrested parents and their children could remain together through this process, the radical left showed their hand.  It was not about the children.  It never was.  Otherwise this would be done with now.  Now, finally showing their real intentions, Pelosi, Schumer and others from the deep left have made it clear their objective is get the Trump administration to stop arresting any person crossing into this country in an illegal manner.  They want complete and open borders.

Here’s the funny part about that…well, two funny parts.  First, these very Democrats were deeply outspoken about illegal immigration not so many years ago.
1.       Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) in 1993: "The day when America could be the welfare system for Mexico is gone. We simply can't afford it.
2.       "Senator Harry Reid (D-NV) in 1993: "Can it be any wonder that the American people think our immigration policies are a joke when we select 40,000 new immigrants a year by lottery?"
3.       President Bill Clinton in 1995: "But we are also a nation of laws. It is wrong and ultimately self-defeating for a nation of immigrants to permit the kind of abuse of our immigration laws we have seen in recent years, and we must do more to stop it."
4.       Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) in 2006: "These provisions are not amnesty. Undocumented immigrants already in the country would not get to cut to the front of the line, but, in accordance with the Committee's bipartisan plan, will need to pay fines, pay back taxes, work hard, and wait in line for green cards."
5.       Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in 2007: "I happen to think that the Congress should be spending a lot more time discussing this issue and making it easier for us to create decent paying jobs for American workers instead of allowing corporate interest to drive wages down by importing more and more people into this country to do the work that Americans should be doing."
For more about this, go HERE.
The second funny part is that these liberals somehow want Trump to order this open border via execute fiat.  They know full well that the very laws that Congress itself passed, along with the constitutional separation of powers, lays out the laws upon which any US President must act.  To do so outside the scope of those laws is tantamount to writing his own laws and violates the very principle of the separation of powers.  Obama, himself knew this, and said so on many occasions.
“[T]here are those in the immigrants’ rights community who have argued passionately that we should simply provide those who are [here] illegally with legal status, or at least ignore the laws on the books and put an end to deportation until we have better laws. ... I believe such an indiscriminate approach would be both unwise and unfair. It would suggest to those thinking about coming here illegally that there will be no repercussions for such a decision. And this could lead to a surge in more illegal immigration. And it would also ignore the millions of people around the world who are waiting in line to come here legally. Ultimately, our nation, like all nations, has the right and obligation to control its borders and set laws for residency and citizenship.  And no matter how decent they are, no matter their reasons, the 11 million who broke these laws should be held accountable.” (7/1/10)
I am president, I am not king. I can't do these things just by myself. We have a system of government that requires the Congress to work with the Executive Branch to make it happen. I'm committed to making it happen, but I've got to have some partners to do it. … The main thing we have to do to stop deportations is to change the laws. … [T]he most important thing that we can do is to change the law because the way the system works – again, I just want to repeat, I'm president, I'm not king. If Congress has laws on the books that says that people who are here who are not documented have to be deported, then I can exercise some flexibility in terms of where we deploy our resources, to focus on people who are really causing problems as a opposed to families who are just trying to work and support themselves. But there's a limit to the discretion that I can show because I am obliged to execute the law. That's what the Executive Branch means. I can't just make the laws up by myself. So the most important thing that we can do is focus on changing the underlying laws.” (10/25/10)
For more on this, see Speaker Ryan’s webpage where is lists the many times Obama said similar things.
Yet, after all this, because the MSM blasted the airwaves with image after image after image (some images which were take in 2014, before Trump even ran for President) of children being kept behind fences and sleeping in large groups the radical left decided this was a chance to pounce on Trump yet again in hopes of swaying public opinion against him. 

But once again it didn’t work.  It made them look stupid and foolish and desperate…in some cases (Peter Fonda and others) nasty and mean…and in one instance (Occupy Wall St.) purely evil where they released the names and addresses of hundreds of ICE agents and called for their death.  

Many on the left were all too happy to have the distraction of this happening this past week or so.  They desperately needed the public’s attention away from Trump’s accomplishments with the economy and with North Korea, and to stifle the right wing side of the media from their coverage of the IG report and he subsequent testimony before Senate and House committees.

The bottom line to all this is that the left is clearly painting the picture of what they are running on this November and where they want to take this country.  They are desperate for you all not to know this, but they will clear a path towards impeachment of Trump should they win back the House.  They’ve made it very clear that their solution to a failing Obamacare is not to repeal it but to bolster it right into an universal healthcare system, a la England.  Pelosi has made it abundantly clear that should they take back the House that they will repeal the tax cuts of last December.  And there is little doubt in my mind that they will pursue major steps towards either abolishing the second amendment or weakening it severely

And now, their latest comments about the border make it finally unquestionably clear that they plan on pushing for complete open borders.  This is why they refuse to vote to end chain migration, or build a wall or fix our immigration system.  Their primary financier, George Soros, is the quintessential advocate for global open borders on the way to a global ruling class.

This coming November is as important an election as the one in 2016 was.  Imagine where we’d be right now if HRC had won in November 2016.  Now, with these five clear planks to their platform revealed, imagine where we will be if they do take over the House and Senate in November 2018.  We couldn’t let HRC win in 2016, and we cannot afford to let the Dems win this fall.  We must get out the vote.  We must not fall back asleep just because Trump is succeeding.

There’s so much more left to do.  We have finish what has been started in North Korea, with trade renegotiations and in isolating Iran and defeating ISIS to the end.

We must continue to drain the swamp.  So many have been exposed in various agencies and in Congress.  Judges need to continue to be appointed.  We need to begin seeing indictments and prosecutions and convictions.  We need to turn the light on the cockroaches that remain.

And we need to prepare to win again in 2020 so we can solidify this revolution.  Please, if you agree with this and would like to see this happen, then step up.  We should extraordinarily proud of what our President has accomplished even in the face of powerful opposition in Washington. 

Friday, June 1, 2018

Tariffs: Who Opposes Them Tells You All You Need To Know

For most of this country's history, the only source of revenue for the national government were from tariffs.  For a young and vibrant country like the early United States, it makes sense to impose tariffs but not to impose direct taxes on income.  Such was the case from our founders.

Imposing tariffs on foreign goods assists a young economy in gaining its ground.  It helps new businesses and essentially new industries to have room to grow.  Think of them as like those stakes you plant with a new tree to help it bear up against winds and other weather.

As a young economy flourishes the needs for government intervention is relative to where individual industries are in relation to foreign competitors.  In the case of the steel tariffs Trump has imposed, there was a definite purpose for them.  

China has built several steel mills from which they produce an over-abundance of steel.  Their objective is clear.  They understand market and demand.  They have a huge supply, they subsidize their steel industry and thus they can deal with selling their products far below market rates. In doing that, they put immense pressure on steel mills and companies globally.  The goal being to put them out of business...and to have the world depend up on them for their steel.

There is a huge problem with this.  Steel is the backbone of any modern industrialized nation.  From making cars to building ships and airplanes.  It's a core product from which the costs of everything 'upstream' from it is affected.  And because of that, it becomes imperative that we, as a nation, not become reliant on any one for that product.  If we have to ramp up our military for a war, we can't be depending upon a country like China for the steel we need.  If we had a natural disaster and had to rebuild a city or region, we can't be completely reliant upon China for the steel we need.

In other words, while it is fine to be compelled by market forces to compete with China on the world markets, it is not right when we have to compete under unfair and manufactured market conditions.  The imposition of steel tariffs on China and other countries which have become outlets for China's steel, has given our steel industry the chance to compete.

The short term problems with tariffs might be that the costs of some related goods would rise accordingly. The cost of a new car might be $100 higher.  But the long term ramifications of NOT shoring up our own steel industry would be far worse.

In the face of not imposing these tariffs, our own steel industry was gasping for air and on the verge of collapsing.  If that were to happen we would become completely dependent upon foreign sources of steel for every segment of our economy.  Which is completely unacceptable.

The same thing was on the verge of happening to our energy independence.  We had become so reliant upon foreign sources of oil and gas, when we have enough untapped sources, that we were facing serious issues overseas.  When we are dependent upon the middle east for our oil, we have to become involved in regional conflicts in order to protect our supplies.

But when we tap our own resources and become energy independent, we don't have to take sides with parties in the middle east who don't have our best interests at heart.  Our recent swing towards being a net exporter of oil and gas has put us in a position in the middle east where don't have to make decisions there based purely or even primarily upon protecting only our oil our interests there.

No conservative like taxes, and that's what tariffs are.  But the bottom line is the long term value of those taxes.  Congress knows this all too well.  They do it all the time with our domestic taxes.  They provide tax relief for this sector of the economy vs. higher taxes/fees for another sector.  They add deductions here but reduce them there.  All designed to aid or stiffen competition in areas of our economy.

Sometimes people balk at these things, but they have their place.  Are they misused?  Absolutely.  Simply pointing out that the tax code has become a tool for politics will say all you need to know.  There's a reason why the committee that writes and re-writes our tax code is such a prominent committee to be on.

Applying these principles to the notion of lower corporate income taxes.  Trump's idea behind this was was doing to the rest of the world what China was doing relative to steel.  But lowering corporate tax rates, essentially what Trump is doing is placing America as the premier place for corporations and the wealthy to invest their money.  Its cheaper for them to invest it here.  They can make more profits and accomplish more.  And what are the consequences?  New factories opening, millions of new jobs. Taxable activity.  

But look at it by a simplistic example.  Corporate ABC made, say $200M in profits last year...AFTER they parked $400M overseas and out of the reach of the IRS.  They paid say $70m in taxes on that.  But now this year they bring that money back into the country.  They are actually able to do more business this year as well because more people have more money to spend.  So they make $250M in domestic profits and another $500m they don't park overseas but keep here and pay taxes on a rate of 20% say.  20% of $750m = $150m...more than twice what they paid last year.

That's how it works.  That's how even with much lower rates, tax revenues rise.  You see, tax revenues don't rise from higher rates.  These tariffs are proof of that.  The US won't collect more revenue from these higher tariffs.  What they WILL do though, is help US Steel companies to stay in business, make more money and re-invest it back in the US.  China won't pay more in money to the US, because they just won't do as much business here.

The same thing happens in domestic taxes.  The liberals love raising taxes on the rich...their version of China.  But the rich won't pay more taxes just because the rate is higher.  They will simple transfer the tax liability risk to either the future, when they hope rates are lower or to a country where the profits aren't taxed as high

Let this continue for 3-4 years and watch how this economy grows.